Model Training#

While the user is providing labels for a category, Label Sleuth iteratively trains a machine learning model for the selected category in the background. Model training consists of three main steps explained in detail below:

  1. Training invocation: Decide when to invoke model training

  2. Training set selection: Create training set to be used for training

  3. Model selection: Decide which model to use for training and invoke the training procedure

Training invocation#

In order to cater to domain experts, model training does not have to be explicitly invoked by the user. Instead Label Sleuth automatically invokes model training in the background when certain conditions are met. To ensure that the user can see the the most up to date model predictions and received appropriate active learning guidance, model training is repeated with Label Sleuth training new models (which can be thought of as new versions of the classifier) as the user continues labeling.

Training invocation criteria#

Label Sleuth starts a new model training iteration whenever the following two conditions are both met:

Condition on



Number of positive labels

The user has to provide a minimum number of positive labels. The threshold of required positive labels can be configured by setting the value of the first_model_positive_threshold parameter in the system’s configuration file.


Number of negative labels

The user has to provide a minimum number of negative labels. The threshold of required negative labels can be configured by setting the value of the first_model_negative_threshold parameter in the system’s configuration file.


Number of label changes

The user has to change a minimum number of labels since the last model training iteration (unless it is the first iteration). A change can be assigning a label (positive or negative) to an element, or changing an existing label. The threshold of required label changes can be configured by setting the value of the changed_element_threshold parameter in the system’s configuration file.


Training set selection#

When the training invocation criteria are satisfied, Label Sleuth selects the examples that will be sent to the model for training (i.e., the training set). These are not necessarily identical to the set of elements labeled by the user, as the system may remove elements or add more weakly labeled elements to create a more balanced dataset. The method used to generate the training set is described by the chosen training set selection strategy.

Training set selection strategies#

Label Sleuth currently supports the following training set selection strategies:

Training set selection strategy



Use examples labeled by the user (without any modification).


Ensure a ratio of 1 negative example for every positive example. See below for details of how this ratio is ensured.


Ensure a ratio of 2 negative example for every positive example. See below for details of how this ratio is ensured.


Ensure a ratio of 10 negative example for every positive example. See below for details of how this ratio is ensured.

If one of the training set selections strategies specifying a ratio of negative to positive examples is chosen, Label Sleuth ensures the respective ratio as follows: If the user has labeled fewer negative examples than the ratio, some unlabeled examples are automatically added to the training set as negative examples. On the other hand, if the number of negative examples labeled by the user exceeds the ratio, only a sample of the user-labeled negative examples are included in the training set.

The employed training set selection strategy can be configured by setting the value of the training_set_selection_strategy parameter in the system’s configuration file. Note that in each case, Label Sleuth removes duplicates so that only unique elements are included in the training set.

Model selection#

Once the training set is selected, the system uses the selected training set to train a machine learning model. Label Sleuth employs a customizable and extensible architecture, which allows different machine learning models to be trained.


Label Sleuth currently includes implementations of the following machine learning models:

Model name


Implementation details

Hardware requirements


Naive Bayes over Bag-of-words

scikit-learn implementation



Naive Bayes over word embeddings*




Support Vector Machine over Bag-of-words

scikit-learn implementation



Support Vector Machine over word embeddings*








BERT (Devlin et al. 2018)

Pytorch implementation using the Hugging Face Transformers library

GPU (recommended)


XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2019)

Pytorch implementation using the Hugging Face Transformers library

GPU (recommended)

Within the codebase, the list of supported models can be found in Label Sleuth’s model catalog. Note that some model may have special hardware requirements to perform as expected (e.g., they require the presence of a GPU).

[*] For models that leverage word embeddings, the embeddings come from either spaCy or fastText, depending on the information provided for the particular language (see for details).

Model policies#

The model architecture that is trained in each iteration is prescribed by the employed model policy. In its most basic form, a model policy is static, resulting in the system always using the same model for every iteration. However, model policies can also be dynamic, allowing the system to switch between different types of models depending on the iteration. For instance, one can create a model policy instructing Label Sleuth to use a light and fast to train model (such as SVM) for the first few iterations and then switch to more complex and slower to train model (such as BERT) for later iterations. Label Sleuth currently supports the following model policies:

Model policy

Model type


Supported languages



Use the NB_OVER_BOW model in every iteration

All languages



Use the NB_OVER_WORD_EMBEDDINGS model in every iteration

All languages



Use the SVM_OVER_BOW model in every iteration

All languages



Use the SVM_OVER_WORD_EMBEDDINGS model in every iteration

All languages



Use the SVM_ENSEMBLE model in every iteration

All languages



Use the HF_BERT model in every iteration




Use the HF_XLM_ROBERTA model in every iteration

All languages

Within the codebase, the list of available model policies can be found here. The model policy can be configured by setting the model_policy parameter in the system’s configuration file.

Implement a new model#

In addition to the preloaded models, Label Sleuth can be extended to support additional machine learning models. To integrate a new classification model, follow the steps below:

  1. Implement a new ModelAPI.

    Machine learning models are integrated by adding a new implementation of the ModelAPI. The main functions are _train(), load_model() and infer():

    Train a new model.

    def _train(self, model_id: str, train_data: Sequence[Mapping], train_params: dict):
    • model_id: a unique identifier for the model

    • train_data: a list of dictionaries with at least the “text” and “label” fields. Additional fields can be passed e.g. [{‘text’: ‘text1’, ‘label’: 1, ‘additional_field’: ‘value1’}, {‘text’: ‘text2’, ‘label’: 0, ‘additional_field’: ‘value2’}]

    • train_params - dictionary for additional train parameters (can be None)

    Load a trained model.

    def load_model(self, model_path: str):
    • model_path: path to a directory containing all model components

    Returns an object that contains all the components that are necessary to perform inference (e.g., the trained model itself, the language recognized by the model, a trained vectorizer/tokenizer etc.).

    Infer a given sequence of elements and return the results.

    def infer(self, model_components, items_to_infer) -> Sequence[Prediction]:
    • model_components: the return value of load_model(), i.e., an object containing all the components that are necessary to perform inference

    • items_to_infer: a list of dictionaries with at least the “text” field. Additional fields can be passed, e.g. [{‘text’: ‘text1’, ‘additional_field’: ‘value1’}, {‘text’: ‘text2’, ‘additional_field’: ‘value2’}]

    Returns a list of Prediction objects - one for each item in items_to_infer - where Prediction.label is a boolean and Prediction.score is a float in the range [0-1]. Additional outputs can be passed by inheriting from the base Prediction class and overriding the get_predictions_class() method.

  2. Add the newly implemented ModelAPI to ModelsCatalog

  3. Add one or more policies that use the new model to ModelPolicies